Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Special Speaker Presents the Culture of the Philippines to 5th Grade Art Class

5th Graders were introduced to the culture of the Philippines during art. Our lessons this year  revolve around many cultures of the world. Our volunteer guest was Mrs. Evelyn Morgan. She spent twelve years as a teacher in the Philippines and brought with her many interesting cultural artifacts and mementos to share with our students. She also gave students a handout full of fun tips and information about the culture so they could follow along with her presentation.
Mrs. Morgan presented a very enlightening story of her time in the Philippines. She taught the students how to count from 1-10, unique things about the Philippine alphabet, songs, and many clothing, food, and holiday customs and traditions she learned about while she was teaching there.
Students proposed many thoughtful questions to Mrs. Morgan such as, "What kind of musical instruments do they play there?" "What is their biggest import and export?" "Why did you go there in the first place?" and "What do the kids do there for fun?"
Mrs. Morgan's collection of cultural artifacts was very interesting and students admired the unique details she shared about many of the pieces. Some students got to model some of the clothing they used to wear in the Philippines and Mrs. Morgan's grandaughter came along to help as well. Below are pictures of Mrs. Morgan's presentation. She had our students completely captivated throughout her time with us so we would love to give her a big THANKS for coming and sharing the Philippines with us. Enjoy the photos! 




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